Measurements of cosmic rays by a mini neutron monitor at Neumeier III from 2014 to 2018
B. Heber1, D. Galsdorf1, K. Herbst1, P. Kühl1, C. Schwerdt2, D.T. Strauss3*, M. Walter2
1 Christian-Albrechts-Universit¬at zu Kiel, Germany
2 Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY in Zeuthen, Germany
3 Center for Space Research, North-West University, Potchefstroom 2520, South Africa
* Presenter
Neutron Monitors (NMs) and Muon Telescopes (MTs) are ground-based devices to measure the flux variation of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) and Ground Level Enhancements (GLEs). They are reliable devices but difficult to install because of their size and weight. Therefore Moraal et al. (2001) suggested to develop a portable calibration neutron monitor that can be carried to any existing station. Since their measurements are influenced by the variable Earth magnetic field and the atmospheric conditions close to its position a detailed knowledge of the instrument sensitivity with geomagnetic latitude (rigidity), atmospheric pressure but also temporal variations of the environment are essential. One mini NM, constructed by the North West University campus Potchefstroom is measuring the variation of galactic cosmic rays was installed in 2014 and was operational for four years at the German Antarctic Neumeier III station. Here we present the measurements taken by the monitor comparing it with different monitors that have a cutoff rigidity below the atmospheric one.
Cosmic ray stations of ISTP SB RAS
Lukovnikova A.A., Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISTP SB RAS), Irkutsk
The global network includes 4 CR stations of ISTP SB RAS, equipped with NM64 neutron supermonitors: IRKUTSK, IRKUTSK 2, IRKUTSK 3 and NORILSK. The stations record the intensity of cosmic rays neutron component (statistical accuracy of hourly measurements ~ 0.1%) and pressure (accuracy of measurements ~ 0.1 mb). The Sayan spectrographic complex of cosmic rays was created in 1970-s, it includes the following CR stations: IRKUTSK (IRKT, Irkutsk), IRKUTSK 2 (IRK2, 2000 m, the Eastern Sayan), IRKUTSK 3 (IRK3, 3000 m, the Eastern Sayan). Server is located in Irkutsk. The server collects data from 4 CR stations, processes them, publishes on each CR station web page, and transfers the data to NMDB. We consider the current state of our cosmic ray stations.